What are you waiting for?

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately about ministry. So often I find myself in this wait mode, waiting for God to make a big motion and then I can move. In some instances God does call us to wait in the things he has for us but what I’ve realized is that ministry is constant. Ministry isn’t something we must wait upon to do, it is all around us everyday. Ministry is in our work place, in our homes and in our very own community. We as christian all wanna make a difference in the world, that impacts the kingdom of God. A lot of times this can hinder our focus on doing ministry right here. I know in my life I am convicted by this very thing, I have been waiting for God to send me all across the nation, so I can spread the good news. As I’ve been waiting for this motion to happen, I’ve been mediocre in my ministry approach everyday. While I am waiting for God to bring forth the vision and calling in my life, I should be living out the simple command the Lord has asked of me. To love the brother as my own self, to take care of the widow, to feed the hungry and take care of the poor, all of these categories are around us on a daily basis. We so often miss the opportunity to do those things because we are in this stagnant wait mode. Life is to short for us to sit and wait on ministry. While we are waiting for God to move in us in mighty ways, whatever your calling may be. There are dozens of people that surround us, that need our light to guide them. Lets no longer be mediocre in our approach to serve Gods people, not just all over the world but right here in our very own community. God created us all different yet all to long for the same thing, that is to love and be loved. We all know that Gods love is the only love that truly fulfills, as believers we have access to this love and the non believers are out there searching for it. Without us in ministry mode daily, they may never find this love. It is up to us as Gods vessels to do all things in love, for he we are shadowing his ways! Not a long message today, just a reminder that we can do the work of God everyday. We must open our eyes and allow God to show us the work that’s right in front of us.
