The choice is yours!

 We spend our entire lives trying to figure out the future, trying to prepare for it, trying to form it into what we think it should look like and exhausting ourselves fearing it. I can remember growing up feeling like I was invincible, there wasn’t time frames or pressures to be successful. Life was at my finger tips, waiting for me to make the moves.  When you are young everything seems like its at reach and then one day you wake up an all those dreams seem like a distant memory. The future holds the unknowns of life, no one can predict what is to come tomorrow. This is why we fear, we fear what we don’t know, we fear what we can’t see and we fear that we won’t ever be adequate enough. In my own personal journey the “unknown” is the very core of fear for me. It brings on the pressure to be and the time frame to be it in. When I came to know the Lord one of the first things I was taught was this, where love stands fear is diminished. What does that mean? It means if we stand on the truth and truth being that God is love, then we are beings who can live without fear. God says he will never leave us nor forsake us, not even in our darkest hours. God also reminds us through scripture in Jeremiah 29:11- For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. You see the beauty in this text is he has plans to give us hope and a future, we may not know the future and honestly we can exhaust ourselves trying to figure it out but God has the plans. Our job is to fear not because he is always with us and if he is always with us then the opportunities are endless. If God is always with us then everything he promises is reachable, no matter what life looks like. So today I’m encouraging everyone out there, to embrace this choice to live without fear. We don’t have worry about tomorrow because worrying doesn’t change what will come, it causes you to fear living right now. Fear is like a poison that paralyzes us to stay right where we are, which is exactly what the enemy wants. God has called us to be brave warriors in this life, whatever plans he has called you to, are important. If we continue to look back well never move forward and if we continue to fear the future we will never move from where we are today. I am certain that today is better than my yesterday and tomorrow will speak for itself but right now I will enjoy, I will be willing and more than anything I will be ready. We have nothing to fear because God is in control, he is planning, he is seeking and he is paving the way for our success. This success is not in our time nor for our achievment but in Gods timing and for his glory. Rise up Christians and remember who you belong to and remember who is on your side. The choice is yours to live a life without  fear and without limits, God is mighty in all his ways so stand on truth today.


What are you waiting for?

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately about ministry. So often I find myself in this wait mode, waiting for God to make a big motion and then I can move. In some instances God does call us to wait in the things he has for us but what I’ve realized is that ministry is constant. Ministry isn’t something we must wait upon to do, it is all around us everyday. Ministry is in our work place, in our homes and in our very own community. We as christian all wanna make a difference in the world, that impacts the kingdom of God. A lot of times this can hinder our focus on doing ministry right here. I know in my life I am convicted by this very thing, I have been waiting for God to send me all across the nation, so I can spread the good news. As I’ve been waiting for this motion to happen, I’ve been mediocre in my ministry approach everyday. While I am waiting for God to bring forth the vision and calling in my life, I should be living out the simple command the Lord has asked of me. To love the brother as my own self, to take care of the widow, to feed the hungry and take care of the poor, all of these categories are around us on a daily basis. We so often miss the opportunity to do those things because we are in this stagnant wait mode. Life is to short for us to sit and wait on ministry. While we are waiting for God to move in us in mighty ways, whatever your calling may be. There are dozens of people that surround us, that need our light to guide them. Lets no longer be mediocre in our approach to serve Gods people, not just all over the world but right here in our very own community. God created us all different yet all to long for the same thing, that is to love and be loved. We all know that Gods love is the only love that truly fulfills, as believers we have access to this love and the non believers are out there searching for it. Without us in ministry mode daily, they may never find this love. It is up to us as Gods vessels to do all things in love, for he we are shadowing his ways! Not a long message today, just a reminder that we can do the work of God everyday. We must open our eyes and allow God to show us the work that’s right in front of us.


The calling

  I just recently turned 25, lets just say it has been a really weird year for me. I’ve done of a lot of looking back and rehearsing over and over again every moment, good and bad. It’s funny while growing up I can remember thinking, “I can’t wait to be older,” now that I am older I can’t help but to wish I was younger. Interesting how life works out, the more these thoughts began to over take my daily thought process, I realized I’m living in the past and not preparing for the future. I believe we so often look to the past even if it was bad because it is comfortable, its something we know. To look to the future can be overwhelming and can be a bit intimidating. I need to find a place where I am planted firmly and have full confidence in knowing that my future is brighter than my past. As a christian women the answer is simple for me, my hope is found in Jesus. I’ve heard it said a millions times in church that God has a plan for me, a purpose beyond my past but why is it when it comes to that moment of believing it, is it so hard? Sometimes I feel like all I do is sit back and watch everyone else be elevated in their calling, while I’m here just waiting for my “burning bush moment” with God. Have you ever felt like you really knew what God called you to but then after months or even years of waiting, you began to think maybe you were wrong? That brings me back to the same debate I have with human nature, needing the right now fix. If this doesn’t come together right now, then it must not be for me. Our calling was never meant to be easy nor was it said to happen right now. There is much work that must go into preparation toward anything you build in life, including your calling. Often when we talk about our dreams with others they sound so glamorous and so easy, in reality we only see the finished project but are missing all the work in between. The visions we often see are us planting churches all over the nations, rising up worship teams, preaching the gospel all over the world and feeding the hungry but we don’t stop to think about the process of getting there. It’s when we are in the valley in pursuit toward our calling, that we come to terms with its not that easy. If we aren’t careful in that place doubt can begin to creep in, which is the main reason why I am writing this blog. I allowed doubt to come in while walking in the valley, I stopped believing that my calling, was actually my calling. Got me to thinking that maybe my calling was not so God-inspired, I mean it shouldn’t  be this hard right? Wrong, Many of the christian pillars throughout the old testament all the way to the new testament, prove that Gods calling isn’t this easy or a glamorous ride but it is worth it! Take Noah for example, he had to not only build this massive ark but he had to get two of every kind of animal and save all that was left of humanity. Could you imagine having that call, how impossible it would seem to get two of every kind of animal. Once the ark was built, yes that moment felt victorious but it was the preparation that made that moment great. I believe there is a way to stop living in the past and to stop doubting our call when things get rough, first we must know “we’re not alone.” God constantly reminded Joshua that he was with him, he would never leave nor forsake him. This mans calling was to bring God’s people into the promise land, even though it wasn’t an easy task God reminded him, I am always with you! We have the holy spirit within us living and moving about. How much more is God with us, he literally lives inside us! No matter where you are in you are calling beginning, middle or end, God will never leave you. People may not always agree with your call but we are not called to please man, only God. The road may seem lonely at times but in reality we are never alone, God reminds throughout scripture that he is always with us. Second, Hard doesn’t mean lacking. When we are on the journey at times resources or plans may not be in abundance, this doesn’t mean that god has abandon us. God is known as our provider, sometimes not in the way we think he should be but he always provides. We have to remember that God knows every moment of our lives, and he delights in our steps. One version of the scripture says he giggles in our steps because he knows that he will provide all things, even when it looks like its impossible. Lastly, remember where we come from, Jesus died on the cross fulfilling the ultiment calling, that every man and women shall have free access to salvation through him. A lot of times we are focused more on our calling, our doing, what we can build up or what we can make great, rather than the truth that christ is the only way. Our soul focal point should always be on him, when we get off track is when we begin to focus on ourselves. Paul understood God’s love and that the calling wasn’t easy but it was worth it. He was whipped, thrown in jail and shipwrecked yet he still continued on. He knew that God would never leave him, always provide and that christ was his center point. This year I am no longer going to live in my past but start to prepare for the future, not in doubting God and his plans for me but to embrace them even when they’re hard. I will stand on the truth that God will never leave me, always provide and keep focus on him and him alone. I encourage you to rise up in this same faith, to keep moving forward in the plans that God has. We can’t make any progress living in the past nor can we move forward in doubt.  Remember be who God has called you to be, it will not be easy and it most likely won’t happen right now but it will always be worth the wait. 


Thoughts to ponder

   I often hear negative remarks toward christians, like christianity is the most judgmental religion out there. Why would we convert to loving God when his people look nothing like him, or how can God be so great when his people act so harshly? I want to challenge this stereo type of “christians”. We’re all living in the same fallen world under the same pressures. I see judgement everywhere from every religion to every human being that breathes. If you are reading this and can honestly say you’ve never pointed a finger at someone and judged them, then you can claim to be perfect but we all know you’d be lying. In reality our very make up is sin and with sin comes judgment. We judge because we secretly have our own issues dwelling within us, that we can’t let anyone know about, because we fear to lose face in front of our friends. You see people look to christians for answers on their opinions of God, but christians are only human. They’re wrong in doing things outside of  love as Christ would, such as (judging, pointing fingers and outwardly bashing the lost in this world), but their human just like you and me. So where does that leave the question I hear so often? The first fault here is that man is still looking to “man” for answers, that a super natural savior already gave us. I’d say the issue isn’t the christians, because I know plenty of christians who are after Gods heart and doing his will, rather its mans lack of knowledge in who God is and more focused on who “christians” are. Yes, we’re called to be like Christ but we will never be Christ, our sinful nature will constantly be a battle and if people out there are looking for christians to save them, they will be failed every time. Only God can save! In order to know who God is you must seek after him. So the answer here is plain every one is judgmental whether your christian,atheist,buddhist,muslim or whatever you characterize yourself as, you are guilty of passing judgement at some point in time. We are so harsh with one another when we are called to be lovers.The goal is to save souls not damage them. If we could rid our pride and self-righteous ways, we’d see a lot more conversions and a lot less hatred toward God and one another. You see life is so short, we didn’t just appear one day to just be, we were created by the one that has always been and will always be. That is something that is worth giving time and effort to searching and seeking, because at the end this life everything here is worthless in comparison to knowing Christ. You may still say you don’t believe but I’d say you never really gave God a chance, you formed an opinion based on a human error. God doesn’t have error he is perfection, his love goes on forever and endures all things. Who could turn away a gift that offers you eternity? If I had lets say 3 million dollars in one hand and a bag of dirt in the other, which would you choose? Most obvious answer is the money, Gods gift goes beyond any amount of money yet we choose our sin. In my opinion most people who bash christianity blame it on christians, because that’s easier than facing their sin. We have grown into a world that feeds their sin, its become so glorified in all its ways that no sees the defect. You see what appears on the outside is lovely and glamorous, but what lies on the inside is rotting. Take for instance the apple that Eve ate in the garden, she was really attracted to the tree that was forbidden, why was she forbidden? God knows what he is doing when he warns us of sin, but Eve just couldn’t control herself, it looked so appetizing. She took a bite of the apple and on the inside it was rotten, because sin rots from the inside out. How can we save our brothers and sisters in Christ from rotting? We come to one another in love not in judgement, then others will see a version of God a lot of humans haven’t shown them. we will never be perfect but I say better to give it our all, then to waste it by never trying. If you are reading this and happen to not be a christian, because of actions you’ve seen. I would say don’t form an opinion on human efforts, rather Christ’s victory for your life. Humans will be human and sin will always remain, that is why we are so desperate for a savior. There will be christians who come at the unbeliever in judgement and anger, but know the heart of God before you return the judgment.
